1/6/2013 1 Comment 拉伸实验, 不当使用, ---没有准备好的学生 (7)拉伸实验, 不当使用, ---没有准备好的学生 (7) 李革胜 Jan-03-2012 A大学材料系允许研究生自己到库房预订,购买论文和实验所需材料,试剂,工具与任何合理的物品。 有的教授甚至允许研究生把研究室的笔记本电脑带回家工作,只要在毕业离校前,还给材料系就可以了,所以,在这样宽松的环境工作是非常愉快的。 G同学刚到材料系时还不太习惯这种方式。因为不知道这个惯例, 他经常看到,B教授下班前偷偷把学校的打印纸, 实验记录本等之类办公用品放在他黑色的皮包中, 夹带回家。象圆珠笔, 记号笔, 签字笔小文具等, 因为实验忙, 放在兜里, 下班前忘了拿出来, 匆忙中带回家, 第二天再放回原处, 是很正常的。谁都会犯错误的, 老是纠缠这些小事情, 就没法工作了。 老虎都有打盹的时候, 何况人呢? 那有人不犯错误的。 圆珠笔在超市2刀可以买1打, 打印纸3刀可以买1包。 可能太便宜了, 没有人会在意的。文具这些都堆在系办公室, 谁都可以推门进去随便拿。当时,G同学在心里是这样为B教授辩护的。 于是女人见那棵树的果子好作食物、也悦人的眼目、且是可喜爱的、能使人有智慧、就摘下果子来吃了.又给他丈夫、他丈夫也吃了。(创世纪, 3:6) 上班第一天, T教授把Q同学的博士论文给G同学看, 有点炫耀实力的意思。”来者不善, 善者不来”, 他不知道, G同学见多识广, 早在北京基金委就读遍天下各国博士论文, 对博士生实力有自己的看法。”闻道有先后”, G同学虽然没有博士学位, 但博士论文读得可不少。 G同学看完Q的博士论文后, 不安起来。他坐不住了, 第一印象, 根据其博士论文华丽地道的美式英语, Q博士完全可以去北京大学当英文教授, 或者中央编译局当英文编审。因为Q博士不懂语言学,词源学,他才会犯这样的错误,母语不是英语的人根本写不出那种味道。G同学小学三年纪就开始学英语, 英语成绩一直是同龄人中的佼佼者。G同学能讲一口地道流利的美式英语,很多老外都以为他是CBC,他从不骄傲,当做是对他30年刻苦学英语的肯定。Q博士本科来自辽宁一所默默无闻的工业学院, 连211都不是, 突然得到大智慧? 天才一夜就产生了? 工业学院当真是藏龙卧虎? 语言这个功夫不是一朝一夕的,得一直长期努力阅读, 训练有素、加上悟性才行。G同学平时见Q博士的瘪脚英文口语和电邮, 无论如何与”标准流利”联想不起来, 对其写出如此漂亮的英语论文, 感到疑惑不解。 莫不是 《围城》里的韩学愈娶了一个白俄太太,对外声称她是美国人,为了太太能在英语系当教授也用枪手, 异曲同工? 后来, G同学咨询材料系W教授, W教授认为其少见多怪。从国内来的访问学者, 博士大都回国前, 花点钱请枪手代写博士论文, 文章。国内的土鳖英文基础都不大好, 海归用这一手英文把他们就能镇住, 评职称啥的, 别人也无话可说, 这是潜规则。这些G同学都放在心里, 没有说出来, 怕造成别人讥讽的言语伤了Q博士的自尊心。 其实如果科研的确有实质性突破,博士研究是客观规律的正确反映,找人把自己的博士论文英文润色一下,为了让别人更好理解自己的贡献,让科学更快地进步,本无可厚非。毕竟对于英语非母语的外国研究生,三年能够把自己的博士论文结结巴巴地讲清楚已经不容易了,要用地道华丽的英文把自己的博士研究写出来的确强人所难。反过来,如果明知博士论文数据是错误的,还用地道华丽的英文去修饰,去误导其他学生,欺骗科研经费,就已经构成犯罪嫌疑。 Q同学三年就拿到了A大学的博士学位,这在任何地方都是令人惊诧的火箭速度。众所周知, Q同学第一年在攻读博士课程, 查参考文献需3个月, 写博士候选人申请与答辩最少三个月,写博士论文需半年, 论文写好后论文评审等待期和找工作最少3个月, 扣除圣诞节等法定假期, Q同学实际做实验时间不到一年, 发表了两篇文章, 一篇美国专利, 火箭速度。专利的的等待期最少一年, 即博士生的第一年就开始申请了, 实验还没有开始, 结果就有了。逻辑不通, 这背后必有蹊跷。 G同学读了Q博士的论文, 感觉他的博士论文是高中化学实验报告的简单扩展,陈词滥调, 闭门造车,无中生有。比如,其言之凿凿中关于陶瓷涂层拉伸实验很能说明问题。 Q博士用铸铁, 不锈钢, 铜, 铝等基材拉伸ASTM C633-79标准实验各三千次, 取得了大量可靠的数据。三年就取得了A大学博士学位, 是其他同学仰望的人物。 问题一, 什么是拉伸实验? 拉伸实验的步骤有哪些? 有何标准? 做一次拉伸实验需要多长时间? 答: 拉伸实验是测定涂层在轴向拉伸载荷作用下的一系列特性的试验。是涂层机械性能试验的基本方法之一,主要用于检验涂层是否符合规定的标准和研究涂层的性能。 涂层拉伸试验的步骤可参见ASTM C633-79标准。 陶瓷涂层拉伸试验 1.准备试件。在原始标距范围内用钢冲打小冲点,将标距内分为等长的10格。用游标卡尺在试件原始标距内的两端及中间处两个相互垂直的方向上各测一次 直径,取其算术平均值作为该处截面的直径,再选用三处截面直径的最小值来计算试件的原始截面面积A。(取三位有效数字)。 2.调整拉伸试验机。根据涂层和基材的抗拉强度和原始横截面面积估算试件的最大载荷,配置相应的摆锤,选择合适的测力度盘。开动试验机,使工作台上升10mm左右,以消除工作台系统自重的影响。调整主动指针对准零点,从动指针与主动指针靠拢,调整好自动绘图装置。 3.装夹粘试件。先将两条试件圆钢柄, 用3M 2214 regular epoxy adhesive(Ultimate Tensile10,000psi) 对称粘在涂层和基材的两边, 如图。 4. 粘好后, 放在121C热处理炉中孕育40分钟, 再取出。 冷却后, 先装上夹头,再将下夹头移动到合适的夹持位置,最后夹紧圆钢柄下端。 5.检查与试车。检查以上步骤完成情况。开动试验机,预加少量载荷(载荷对应的应力不能超过涂层的比例极限),然后卸载到零,以检查试验机工作是否正常。 6.进行试验。开动试验机,缓慢而均匀地加载,并仔细观察测力指针转动和绘图装置绘出 图的情况。注意捕捉屈服荷载值,将其记录下来用以计算屈服点应力值, 屈服阶段注意观察滑移现象。过了屈服阶段,加载速度可以快些。将要达到最大值时, 可观察到“缩颈”现象, 并记录缩颈强度值, 记录屈服极限。试件断后立即停车,记录最大荷载值, 强度极限。 7.取下涂层试件和记录纸。 8.用游标卡尺测量断后标距。 做一个拉伸实验至少需要1小时, 因为粘胶孕育就需要40分钟。此前, 还需经过基材表面清洗油污, 喷砂, 涂层喷射沉积, 热处理等工序。其中α-氧化铝球磨就需24小时。当然, 批量生产可以节约很多时间, 但实验室不是工厂, 再快也是有限度的, 也就是说, 取得一个拉伸数据, 最少需2小时。圆钢柄上的10,000psi 的adhesive 必须放在热处理炉200度20分钟以上, 才能烧掉。adhesive燃烧时释放大量有毒气体, G同学特别设计了一个烟囱, 直接到窗外, 残留物必须在有保护措施的热处理炉上处理,不然, 整个材料楼都会闻到烧焦的塑料味道。Q博士能用的只是普通热处理炉, 一年内烧了12,000次, 释放的污染相当于一个小型燃煤电厂。 人人皆知, Q博士没有助手, 只能一个人干。Q博士给人的印象是木讷、呆板、高傲、迟钝,做事虽然有板有眼, 远谈不上聪明灵活, 手脚麻利。12,000个样品, 按1天8小时算, 最少需要9年时间, 时间上有矛盾。 Q博士比G同学早三年来到A大材料系, 压缩空气喷枪实验平台, 是A同学和几个研究生搭建起来的。一个涂层样品约需300克aluminum isopropoxide, 也就是说Q博士一年内做了12,000个拉伸样品, 需基材铸铁, 不锈钢, 铜2吨, 铝0.5吨。1年气喷3.6吨γ氧化铝, 而且是在没有任何保护措施的情况下做出来的。陶瓷实验室空间狭小,不要说放大型存储器皿,连书架都放堆在走廊里。陶瓷实验室肯定没有仓库堆放2.5吨金属材料, 3.6吨腐蚀性γ氧化铝, 而且一次存放这么多腐蚀性化学品, 是违反加拿大危险品运输存储法律的。如果Q博士的博士论文没有撒谎, 他就是一直在污染环境, 在犯罪。 3.6吨γ氧化铝到底是否存在, 是很容易查到的。只要叫T教授拿出发票来, 在哪个化学公司购买的? 是哪个运输公司运输的?那么多金属材料及氧化物, 是如何处理的? 是扔再哪个垃圾箱?倒在哪个下水道?请哪个金属废品收购站处理的?发票在哪里?一查就清楚了。所以Q博士12, 000个涂层样品拉伸实验在时间上, 空间上, 来源上不合逻辑。姜是老的辣, T教授在实验室角落放了两个大桶, 里面各装300公斤α, γ氧化铝, 掩人耳目而已。G同学每天在实验室加班做氧化铝涂层, 三年下来, 也就只用了40来公斤氧化铝, 离3.6吨还早得很。 此外, Q博士还做了大量的热处理工艺实验, 气密性实验, 硬度测试, 电镜观测, X-射线衍射测试, 天知道, 这些时间是怎么挤出来的。估计至少有30个助手在暗中帮助Q博士, G同学是个工作狂, 但从没见过Q博士这样的超人效率。 G同学对于这些小问题非常重视, 无意伤害别人。但他立志以后成为一个材料技术伦理专家, 需要准确无误的数据。决定私下拜访Q博士的家。他去得多了, 发现Q博士家其实是材料系的仓库, 从文具, 工具, 化学试剂应有尽有。随便到厨房拿起一双手套, 就是工业用品 (Industrial purpose) 。一看, 十有八九是从材料系带回家的, 谁吃饱了没事干, 去买工业用品放在家里? 看来Q博士是充分利用了材料系的宽松环境。 当然, 象手套, 耳塞, 眼镜等个人用品, Q博士可能认为拿回家没有什么大不了的。这些都不值钱, 放在实验室别人也不能用, 与别人合用不卫生。实验又忙, 放在兜里忘了拿出来就回家了, 毕业前再一起还回去, 情有可原。但后来G同学帮Q博士洗餐具时, 发现了工业强碱, 与陶瓷实验室的牌子一模一样,G同学到网上查了一下,这种牌子的强碱只能批发,不会零售给个人的。原来Q博士一直用实验室的强碱洗餐具, 下水道, 厕所等。这些东西实验室多的是, 谁也不在乎这点化学试剂。那只用来粘家具的2214强力粘胶, 估计也是Q博士放在兜里忘了拿出来, 就回家了。老婆以为是他买的, 就用来修家具了。 看来, 心里混沌的Q博士多走了一步, 到材料系库房为自己家订购了木工工具, 强力粘胶。看上去是做博士论文, 其实为了给自己修家具。也可能粘胶有多的, 实验用不了那么些, 拿回家对实验影响也不大。G同学虽然怀疑Q同学订购工具为自己, 而不是为了实验, 假公济私, 但没有证据, 装着不知道。对于假公济私, G同学的感情非常复杂:蔑视、不屑、羡慕、嫉妒、同情、恨铁不成钢、…,好的坏的、酸的甜的都有。 有一天, G同学偶然听到Q支支吾吾与库房管理员Smith的对话, 定购激光打印墨盒。G同学清楚实验室的墨盒刚换了新的, 看着Q拿着价值100刀的墨盒, 神色慌张不安走出实验大楼回家。无语的G最不喜欢与人面对面对质或直接冲突 (confront) 。Q是G同学的小老板, 曾经悄悄嘱咐G不要把实验室的内幕, 包括数据造假等说出去, 如果保密, T教授答应将给G同学A大学博士学位。如果得罪Q, 博士学位肯定是泡汤了。没有博士学位, 在中国高校根本没有出路, 回中国对G同学意义不大了。基于现实, G同学对T教授信任度有所下降, 没有把这些事情同T教授沟通, 也没有告诉任何人。初来咋道, 不知水深浅, 先要保护好自己, 再帮助别人, 决定继续观望。他其实挺理解Q博士, 如果他诚实地告诉材料系, 数据作了假, 实验用品假公济私, T教授第一个不会放过Q博士, 饭碗就会丢掉, 一家老小喝西北风? 尽量给别人多一点机会改正, 这也是G保持缄默不言的原因。 最后, G同学还是悄悄通过E同学把这件事捅了出去, 因为他想拯救陶瓷实验室, 很多无休止的错误是只要有人能指出来, 就能改正。T教授事后把Q博士批评一顿了事。当趾高气昂的Q博士怒气冲冲找上门来, 质问G同学为何诬告陷害。G同学在心里飞快地组织各种各样能为自己辩护的语言,但最后从嘴里冒出来的,却是这样一句本能的否认, “这不是我说的!” 这以后, T教授再也没有提到读博士的事,正直憨厚的G同学博士学位从此泡汤。 G同学不习惯与人当面对质, 在这方面, 他从小到大都没有准备好, “江山易改,本性难移”, 遇到麻烦, 尽量脱身, 从不与人正面冲突。 没有准备好的G同学后来告诉他太太, Lucy, “我是被迫撒谎, 我告诉Q博士, 我对此一无所知。”… “如果告诉Q博士实情会伤害他的自尊心。” 伦理观点: 这是一个不完美的社会, 生活的压力逼着人犯错误。个人和社会都只能在完美和毁灭之间摇摆。Q博士很显然在博士论文数据上撒了谎, 并且以实验的名义, 定购工具和墨盒给自己个人使用。这是一种欺骗和道窃行为。[1] 为什么文化大革命期间,毛主席要废除重点大学、非重点大学?为什么毛主席要设立工农兵大学生制度?为什么文革要废除高考?革命只有分工不同,工作没有高低贵贱之分。辽宁一所非211地方大学培养的人才真的比社会大学更好?高尔基在他的小说《我的大学》中对小市民习气的深恶痛绝,给出了答案,只有全心全意为人民服务,才是知识份子的唯一出路。 G同学表面上给人一种傲慢的感觉,那是别人不了解他的缘故。他的态度源于一种对马列主义、毛泽东思想的自信,邓小平尊重知识分子没有错,但在改革开放过程中背离了毛主席实事求是的群众路线是要出问题,G同学的态度本质上是一种源自初心的自信。 G同学秉性纯朴, 忠厚, 因为Q是小老板, 不敢得罪人, 采用迂回的方式告发, 韬光养晦,并否认揭开陶瓷研究室黑幕的行为, 证明他确实没有准备好。 撒谎 (德文: liegen) 指不说实话, 实行欺骗他人的行为。是人的本性之一,没有人可以保证说从来没有撒过谎。撒谎是一种社会病, 迅速的传播的流行病。很多人不把撒谎认为是狡猾,阴险的欺诈行为。 偷东西是不诚实的开始。小时偷针, 长大偷金。诚实比聪明更要紧。 G同学声称没有讲出来是怕伤害他的自尊心, 这不可避免的结果是, 只要对自己有好处的事情就可以撒谎。 如果每个人都认同这个标准, 迟早你会发现, 没有人可以信任了。世上最肮脏的,莫过于自尊心。过强的自尊实际上源于自卑。这自卑心的如影相随, 郁郁寡欢的苦逼不过是自私的逃避。Q博士来自普通院校, 比起Q同学等名校生, 既自卑, 又自尊。被揭了伤疤, 恼羞成怒是自然而然的。 看来, G同学把人都得罪完了, 自己害了自己? 人可能不喜欢G同学的, 但上帝不这么看。过几年思想转变了就什么都对了, 而今眼目下过得去吗?站在T教授的立场上, G同学是知情不报, 还是没有准备好。但这些事情是G同学一个普通硕士生份内的事情吗, 如果人人多多嘴多舌, 材料岂不是要乱套? T教授这种大牛博导大概也不知道自己有多少经费,不知道自己有多少设备,不知道自己研究生在干什么, 在想什么。Q博士对假、空、玄、虚兴趣浓厚,T教授以模糊思维为自豪,不知逻 辑思维为何物,.他犯错误的病根在于私心太重。 毫无疑问, Q博士认为撒谎比诚实更重要。如果一份工作要靠撒谎来维持, 那么他是在错误的时间地点为错误的老板工作, 这种工作没有意义, 没有前途。在陶瓷实验室, 浮躁、急于求成、急功近利、弄虚作假、抄袭剽窃、学术腐败 、假公济私这些都有。G同学因为怕得罪人, 不敢承认自己告的密, 最终Q博士还是会发现是他, 还是会给他穿小鞋的。所以, G同学可能是在错误的时间地点为错误的老板工作。 G同学花了自己的时间偷听别人的私人谈话, 这种非正式的调查研究, 一直证明是有效的, G同学了解到Q博士过分利用材料系宽松环境, 来假公济私。E同学年龄比G大很多, 都没有站出来说话, 两边卖乖。而G同学正在做一件正确的事情。Q博士完全没有意识到G同学对大学精神的忠诚, 反而当面质问G为何告密, 可见Q博士在A大学没有完成宽容的训练。A大学材料系号称只有精英学生才有资格录取, 这些教授完全可能没有见过真正的天才学生。 很显然, 陶瓷室已经不能有效处理做假行为, T教授应该告诉Q博士, 别人的告发行为是正确的, 是个人隐私, 他无权过问是谁告了他。如果Q博士不听, T教授应该告诫E同学不要与他合作。人人都会感觉到G同学保持缄默事出有因, Q博士对这些小事纠缠不休,正好变成了G同学最得力的辩护人。 PPE原本就是个人使用,不能合用 (share), 工作忙不小心放在兜里, 回家前忘了拿出来, 其本身价格太便宜, 材料系又允许, 构不成盗窃。Q同学也把PPE拿回家, 因为材料系的LOCKER不够, T教授要求学生合用, 没法锁。Q同学的防毒面具 (RESPIRATOR) 被人拿走过好几次, 材料系又没有备多的, 被人拿走了, 一天就没法工作了。G同学在征得T教授和材料系秘书同意后, 个人用的PPE就放存在汽车后备箱。直到毕业时, 按照T教授的意见, 拿出来, 扔在材料系垃圾箱。 Q博士下意识把粘胶拿回家, 夫人不知道, 以为是买来的, 拿来修家具了, 事后不给材料系打个招呼, 因此构成非法占有。Q博士的行为就是贪念, 打如意算盘, 言之凿凿地撒谎以办公室使用为幌子, 又“胆儿突”的, 慌张, 有目的性地拿价值100刀的激光打印墨盒回家, 构成盗窃。 其实这都是扩招 惹的祸。20年以前只有社会精英才能念博士, 不用担心他们的个人品德操守问题。现在只要愿意, 人人都可读博士, 看上去平等, 实际上是埋没人才。 树欲静而风不止,T教授对于下面研究生做假无法控制, 甚至包庇纵容。Q博士文章做假长达6年, 难道材料系就没有人知道, 这不得不让人怀疑, A大学材料系真的有兴趣阻止造假行为吗? Q博士的问题在, 由他人代写英文博士论文, 伪造数据, 严重学位论文作假行为。 (2.5小时写完) The Under-prepared Student (7) Gesheng Li, 01-03-2012 The materials science department of Ace University permitted its graduate students to order materials of thesis in the department store and to borrow department tools home, that is, it allowed the graduate students even to take the department laptop home to do their work, as long as they returned the borrowed staffs before their graduation. The materials department pursued its inclination towards creating a pleasant, stress-free work environment, and the students not being taken for granted or bullied. George was not very accustomed to everything on his first arrival at the materials science department. His body clock was still that of China. He knew nothing about the convention. He observed that Prof. Bill stealthily put the office supplies, such as typing paper, notebooks into his black portfolio often before off. The stationery like pens, markers were too cheap to pay attention to, none of human is infallible, and in clinging to these small issues nobody could get work done. The stationery were always piled up on the table of the office, everyone could throw the door open, move in and take any. When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. (Genesis, 3:6) The first day at work, Prof. Taylor showed George the doctoral thesis of Dr. Young, a meaning of ostentatious display of power. The coming one is surely powerful, or he would never come. Reading broadened the mind. George had read a lot of doctoral thesis in Beijing, even though he did not have a doctor degree. One might have learned the doctrine earlier than the other, which has nothing to do with his age. George was very upset after looking through the doctoral thesis of Young. The first impression was very important. His English writing style looked like a native. According to the English proficiency of his thesis, Dr.Young was quite qualified for a job of English professor in Beijing University, or a senior English compilation officer in Central Compilation & Translation Bureau. George had started studying English at 9, and been a strong performer of English class since then. He could speak fluent English as good as an ABC because of 30 years of hard working. Dr. Young came from an unknown college of China. Is his English really into a world of blossoming after a single evening? Did he become a prodigy within one single day? George could not connect his usual Chinglish with this native English. Rome was not built in a day. George sought advice from Prof. Wilson of materials science department afterwards. Wilson thought that was “The Dutch has taken Holland”. The Chinese scholars always hired the ghostwriter, cheated who wrote essays and sat exams for others for cash before they went back to China. This was one of the hidden rules, which could fox the powerful authority of China. George kept it in his heart and did not speak out, being afraid that it would hurt Dr. Young and damage his career. Dr.Young obtained the Ph.D of Ace University within 3 years. It was well known that every student needed one year to study the graduate courses, and it normally needed 3 months to provide a survey with references, 6 months to write the doctoral thesis and 3 months for waiting for thesis defence and job search. In fact, Dr. Young only had time of less than 1 year to do his experiments in the lab. It is illogical that he had published 2 papers and 1 US patent, the US patent needed at least one year of pending, which means, he had got the results before the research practice started. Thereby hung a tale. George felt that this doctoral thesis was a kind of simple extension of high school chemistry, a kind of blind act, making up false data. For example, Dr Young deposited the ceramic coatings on the substrate of mild steel, stainless, copper, and aluminium, 3000 pieces respectively, measured their ultimate tensile strength 12, 000 times so that he obtained the PHD within 3 years. It needed at least 1 hour to do one tensile experiment, because the curing time of epoxy was 40 minutes/each. The procedure included substrate cleaning, sand blasting, air-spraying, heat treatment, and the α-alumina ball mill needed 24 hours. Mass production could increase the efficiency, but the lab was not a factory, the scientist could never be faster than the technicians. In other words, it needed at least 2 hours to achieve the successful data. Everyone knew that Dr. Young did not have an assistant to help him; he had to do the research on his own. Dr. Young was simple and modest in speech, and orderly in everything. But he was out of the question hands and feet of the smart. Let’s see 8hours working time per day, 12,000 samples needed 9 years which was ridiculous. Dr. Young arrived at the materials department 3 years earlier than George. The compressed air spraying booth was built by George and other graduates. Each data needed the raw materials such as 300g aluminum isopropoxide. Therefore, Dr Young needed the metal substrates, mild steel, stainless steel, copper 2 tons respectively, aluminum 0.5 ton. In other words, he had air sprayed 3.6 tons of alumina in the lab without any protection. it was impossible to store 3.6 tons corrosive γ-alumina in the cramped space of the ceramic lab where the book shelf had to be in the corner of passageway. It was against the bylaw of the transport dangerous goods of British Columbia. If the doctoral thesis was real, it should raise the issue of environment pollutions. It was very easy to find out whether the 3.6 tons alumina did exist. Just found the sale slips of the alumina, whereabouts of the chemical stores, which transport company. It was illogical for the 12,000 samples in time, space and source. Old things die hard; Prof. Taylor put two big drums in the corners of the lab, 300 kg of α, γ alumina respectively, to dissimulate the experiments. George had worked overtime in the lab everyday for 3 years, and only used 40 kg alumina. George paid strongly attention on the small problems; for sure he did not want to hurt others. But George was bent on becoming a materials technician of ethics. He decided to drop in Dr. Young’s house. And very soon George became a regular visitor of his. Dr.Young’s house was a kind of warehouse of materials science department. He had everything that you expected to find, from stationary, tools to chemical agents. George helped him in the kitchen and found a pair of gloves of industrial purpose. Ten to one this was from the materials department. Who wanted to hit the attendance to buy the things with industrial purpose? The materials science department of Ace University permitted its employees to order materials of thesis. It appeared that Dr. Young took full advantage of this privilege. He thought that he took home the personal protection equipment (PPE) gloves, earplug, goggles and forgot returning; it was acceptable, since they were not shareable with others. It was too busy to forget putting away the PPE in the lab, none is infallible. Later George found some strong base when he helped Dr.Young in the kitchen. It was a good idea to wash the dishes, sewer and toilet by using base. There were so many chemicals in the lab, nobody really cared. Dr. Young even mislay the 3M 2214 regular epoxy adhesive in his pocket, and took it home. His wife thought that he bought in the Canadian Tire, and used it to fix their broken furniture. It appeared that Dr. Young went one step further and ordered tools for his experiment that would be useful for his home furniture even though they were of no significant use to his work at materials department. George had suspected for some time that Dr. Young was ordering tools for personal rather than experiment use, but he had no unambiguous evidence until he overheard a revealing conversation between Young and Smith, the store technician of materials department from whom Young frequently purchased useful things. Dr. Young was ordering a laser printer cartridge. George knew that the lab just changed the new cartridge one day ago. He witnessed Dr.Young home with the $100 cartridge. George was reluctant to confront others. They had never gotten along well, and Dr. Young was a senior engineer who wielded a great deal of power over George in the ceramic lab. Dr. Young also whispered George not to speak out the inside information of the group, including the data falsification etc. Prof. Taylor promised to give George a Ph.D degree if he kept secret. George was also reluctant to discuss the matter with Prof. Taylor, in whom he had little confidence or trust. The reason he decide to keep silence is that, he wanted to give Young one more chance; he did not want his family hurt. Eventually George decided to talk with the Edward about it, whose immediate response was, "This really stinks, how dare the stupid did this.” Edward agreed not to gossip what George had talked with him. He then called Prof. Taylor and revealed it. In turn, Dr. Young confronted the under-prepared George, he thought, had "ratted" on him. When Dr. Young questioned George, George denied any knowledge of what had taken place. Later George explained to his wife, "I was forced to lie. I told Dr. Young, 'I don't know anything about this'." Point of View “There is no perfect society. For whatever reasons, however, it does seem that it is the compelling destiny of man to seek survival. In the process of trying to survive under increasingly complicated demands and responsibilities, both individual man and society as a whole must strive toward perfection or slide toward destruction.”[1] In this case Dr. Young cheated his boss, Prof. Taylor by ordering cartridge for his own use, George feared Dr.Young’s power over him and took a devious route to disclose Young’s dishonesty rather than confronting Young directly, and then he lied about having disclosed Young’s dishonesty. “Lying a lie is a false statement or action made with the intent to deceive that is an omnipresent social disease that may be endured in mild forms, but at advanced and epidemic stages can erupt to destroy the foundations of a free society. Today many people do not consider lying dishonest!! To them the threshold of dishonesty begins with stealing. A significant number do not even consider stealing very dishonest, may not at all when one steals from big businesses (a large manufacturing plant, a major insurance company, a utility, etc.). Some people feel so impersonally toward big businesses that they do not think of a big corporation as having any particular ownership.” [1] Be honest rather clever。 George claimed that he lied because he did not wish to hurt Dr.Young by telling the truth. The inescapable result of this kind of thinking was that it was OK to lie anytime whenever it benefited himself or his colleagues. What if every student used this standard? Sooner or later they wouldn't be able to trust anyone in the materials department. Doubtless Dr. Young thought that there might be times when it might be preferable to lie rather than not lie, but if he must lie to save his job, then he was working for the wrong boss in the wrong laboratory. In this case, Dr.Young was clearly committing a wrong act in ordering cartridge for his own use and, when found out, should be severely reprimanded or discharged, even lost his job. George should either confront Dr. Young directly or when accused by Young of "ratting" say clearly that he did "rat." If George had to live a lie to preserve his job, he was working for the wrong boss and the wrong university. Even if George lied to Young, it is probably inevitable that Young would find out who told on him. Rather than lived in dread of this, George should have faced up to Young when asked if he "ratted" and hope that department dean would back him in disclosing Young’s wrongdoing. If the dean didn’t, George would simply have learned that he was working for the wrong boss and the wrong University. Their errors stemmed from selfishness. George spent some of his time listening in on other people's conversations. These informal investigations have never proved fruitless; George learnt that Dr.Young was abusing his department privilege of borrowing tools and ordering cartridge. Edward was far senior to George and kept silent, ran with the hare and hunted with hounds. Obviously George was doing a right thing and reported the abuse to proper authority by gossips. Dr.Young was not impressed by George’s loyalty to the university and decided to determine who the stoolie was. He asked George directly who 'ratted' on him. The materials science department claimed in their official website that, only the best students could obtain admission to peruse the masters and PhDs there, anyhow the professors might not know the real intelligent student who was doing such an errand in their laboratory. Obviously Prof. Taylor had walked into this by allowing Dr.Young to examine his subordinate. Evidently the ceramic lab was not able to deal effectively with this abuse of policy. Prof. Taylor should have made it clear to Dr. Young that the identity of the person who 'ratted' was confidential information that he was not attempting to find out; presumably Dr. Young was in enough hot water already not to want to disobey this policy. And Edward should have been notified not to cooperate with Young by Taylor, when he tried to question George. Everyone could feel the reasons for George’s silence. In clinging to these small issues Dr. Young became the George’s best advocate. Is materials department really interested in preventing abuse of privileges? If it is, George would seem pretty secure in simply admitting to Young that it was he who turned him in. Obviously Prof. Taylor could not control the data falsification of his students, or even protected and connived at their wrongdoings. Reference: [1] http://www.onlineethics.org Le Étudiant Sous-préparé (7) Gesheng Li, 01-03-2012 Le département des matériaux d’Ace université a permis ses étudiants gradués de commander des matériaux de thèse dans le magasin de département et d'emprunter des outils de département à la maison, c'est-à-dire, il a permis aux étudiants gradués de prendre l’ordinateur portable de faire leur travail à la maison, et ils pouvaient renvoyer les choses avant leur cérémonie. Le département des matériaux a essayé de créer un environnement plaisant et une place à une stress-libre de travail. George n'a pas été habitué à la politique sur sa première arrivée au département des matériaux. Il n'a pas su la convention. Il a observé que prof. Bill furtivement a mis les fournitures de bureau en sa brochure noire souvent avant qu'il soit allé à la maison. La papeterie était bon marché, et ils n'ont pas prêté l'attention à, personne est parfait. La papeterie ont été toujours empilées sur la table du bureau, chacun pouvait ouvrir la porte et prendre. La femme vit que l`arbre était bon à manger et agréable à la vue, et qu`il était précieux pour ouvrir l`intelligence; elle prit de son fruit, et en mangea; elle en donna aussi à son mari, qui était auprès d`elle, et il en mangea. (Genèse, 3:6) Le premier jour au travail, prof. Taylor a donné à George la thèse doctorale du Dr. Young, un affichage de puissance. George avait lu beaucoup de thèse doctorale dans Pékin, quoiqu'il n'ait pas eu un degré de docteur. La thèse doctorale a vexé George. La première impression était très importante. Son modèle d'écriture en anglais a semblé un indigène. Selon la compétence anglaise de la thèse, Dr.Young a été tout qualifié pour un travail de professeur anglaise à l'université de Pékin, ou un officier senior de compilation anglaise dans le bureau central de compilation et de traduction. George avait commencé à étudier anglais à 9. Il pouvait parler anglais couramment en raison de 30 ans de travail dur. Dr. Young était d'une petite college de la Chine. Est-il devenu un Prodigy dans un seul jour ? George n'a pas rencont relier son Chinglish habituel avec cet anglais indigène. George a cherché le conseil du prof. Wilson de département de matériaux après. Wilson lui a indiqué que les intellectuels chinois ont toujours loué le ghostwriter avant qu’ils retournent à la Chine. C'était l'une des règles cachées, qui pouvaient renard l'autorité puissante de la Chine. George n'a pas parlé dehors, il n'a pas l’intention de blesser le Dr. Young et endommager sa carrière. Dr.Young a obtenu Ph.D d’Ace université en 3 ans. Chaque étudiant a eu besoin d'un an d’étudier les cours gradués, et il a eu besoin de 3 mois de faire un survey des références, 6 mois de écrire la thèse doctorale et 3 mois pour la défense et le travail recherche. Dr. Young a seulement eu < 1 an de faire ses expériences dans le laboratoire. Il avait publié 2 papiers et 1 brevet d’USA, le brevet d’USA a eu besoin d'un an en suspens, c'est-à-dire, il a eu les résultats avant que les recherches ait commencé. George a pensé que la thèse doctorale était une prolongation simple de chimie de école secondaire, Young a donné fausse data. Par exemple, Dr. Young a déposé les couches en céramique sur le substrat de fer, acier inoxydable, cuivre, et aluminium, 12.000 morceaux, il a obtenu la résistance à la tension finale 12, 000. Il a eu besoin de 1 heure de faire une expérience de tension, parce que la période curing d'époxyde était de 49 minutes/chacune. Le procédé a inclus le nettoyage de substrat, sand-blasting, air-spray, traitement thermique, et le moulin de boule de α-alumine a eu besoin de 24 heures. La production en série pouvait augmenter l'efficacité, mais le laboratoire n'était pas une fabrique, le scientifique ne pouvait jamais être plus rapide que les ouvriers. C'est-à-dire, il a eu besoin de 2 heures de obtenir les données réussies. Chacun a su qu'il n'y avait pas un aide de aider Young ; il a dû faire seule la recherche. Dr. Young n'était pas un ouvrier rapide. 8 heures travail par jour, 12.000 échantillons ont eu besoin de 9 ans qui était ridicule. Dr. Young a joint le département des matériaux il y a 3 ans. George et d'autres diplômés ont construit la cabine de la spraying de comprimée d'air. Un data a eu besoin de 300 g aluminium isopropoxide . DR Young a eu besoin des substrats en métal, acier, acier inoxydable, cuivrent 2 tonnes respectivement, aluminium 0.5 tonne. C'est-à-dire, il a fait la air-sprayin 3.6 tonnes d'alumine en le laboratoire sans n'importe protection. C’est impossible que il a gardé 3.6 tons γ-alumina corrosif en la lab en céramique. Il était contre le loi des marchandises dangereuses de transport de Colombie britannique. Si la thèse doctorale était vraie, il devrait soulever la question des pollutions d'environnement. C’était très facile de constater que les 3.6 tonnes d'alumine n'ont pas existé. Juste les glissades de vente de l'alumine, des magasins chimique, et des compagnies de transport étaient la preuve. C’était illogique pour les 12.000 échantillons à temps, l'espace et la source. Prof. Taylor a mis deux tambours dans les coins du laboratoire, 300 kilogrammes de α, γ alumine. George avait travaillé en le laboratoire pendant 3 années, et il a utilisé 40 kilogrammes d'alumine. George a décidé d'indiquer à Edouard, la réponse immédiate était, « This really stinks ». Edouard a accepté de ne pas indiquer que George avait parlé avec lui. Il a téléphoné au prof. Taylor et bavardé lui. Dr. Young a confronté George, il a pensé que George pouvait avoir indiqué sur lui. Quand Dr. Young a interrogé George, George a nié. George a expliqué à son épouse, « I was forced to lie. I told Dr. Young, 'I don't know anything about this». Del punto de vista En este caso, Dr. Young ha engañado su jefe, profesor Taylor. Ha ordenado el cartucho para su uso personal, George tenía miedo de su poder de Dr.Young y tomó una ruta desviada para divulgar la falta de honradez de Young, y ha mentido Young finalmente. George ha demandado que ha mentido, porque no deseaba dañarla carrera de Dr.Young por la verdad. Si era aceptable de mentir cuando se ha beneficiado, y a cada estudiante ha utilizado este estándar. Nadie podría confiar en el departamento de los materiales. Dr. Young ha pensado que era mejor mentir más bien que honesto, pero si debe mentir para ahorrar su trabajo, entonces trabajaba para el jefe incorrecto en el laboratorio incorrecto. En este caso, Dr.Young cometía claramente un acto incorrecto en el cartucho que ordenaba para su uso personal. Cuando Taylor ha descubierto, debe ser descargado seriamente; incluso ha perdido su trabajo. George debe enfrentar a Dr. Young directamente, cuando Young lo ha acusado, debe decir claramente que él hizo "gossip".Si George debe mentir de preservar su trabajo, trabajaba para el jefe incorrecto y la universidad incorrecta. si George mintió a Young, es probablemente inevitable que Young se enteraría que ha chismes. George debe vivir en el pavor de esto, George debe haber hecho frente a Dr. Young. Si decano no lo apoyara, George sabría simplemente que él trabajaba para el jefe incorrecto y la universidad incorrecta. Sus errores eran de egoísmo. George ha pasado su tiempo para oír las conversaciones privadas. Estas investigaciones informales han probado útil; George ha aprendido que Dr.Young abusaba de su privilegio del departamento de pedir prestadas las herramientas y de ordenar el cartucho. Edward era más mayor que George y ha mantenido silencioso. George hacía obviamente una cosa correcto y ha divulgado el abuso a la autoridad competente por chismes. Dr.Young no ha realizado que la loyalty de George a la universidad y ha decidido a determinarse quiénes era el stoolie. Ha preguntado a George directamente quién ha chismeado. El departamento de la material ha demandado en su Web site oficial que, sólo los mejores estudiantes podrían obtener la admisión para estudiar allí, los profesores no han conocido al estudiante inteligente verdadero en su laboratorio. Obviamente Prof. Taylor ha incurrido en equivocación y ha permitido que Dr.Young examine a su estudiante. El laboratorio de cerámica no podía ocuparse evidentemente con eficacia de este abuso de la política. Prof. Taylor debe dejar claro a Dr. Young que la identidad de la persona era información confidencial que no debía procurar descubrir. Y Edward debe haber sido notificado para no cooperar con Young cuando ha preguntado a George. Todos podían sentir las razones del silencio de George. Dr. Young ha sido el mejor abogado de George. ¿El departamento de materiales realmente se interesa en la prevención del abuso de privilegios? Si es, George sería seguro admitir a Young que ha divulgado. Obviamente Prof. Taylor no podría controlar la falsificación de los datos de sus estudiantes, o aún tiene confabularse en sus malas conductas (Total 2.5 horas) Reference: [1] http://www.onlineethics.org
1 Comment
1/1/2017 09:54:51 pm
总体来看,欧美的英文写作水 平明显要高于其它地区,亚洲的写作水平最差。我印象最深刻的是评审美国作者的稿件,明显感觉英文写地很地道(甚至地道地很多地方的写作手法我从未见过,当 然这也可能理解,毕竟英语是人家母语),而亚洲地区,尤其是中国人写的文章总让人感觉很汉语化,读起来生硬,不连贯,每个部分之间缺乏必要的连接,显得很 分离不融合。当然这也是中国人的一个弱势,我想只有多练才能提高,没有捷径可走。
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