工程伦理学是指在工程中的道德研究成果。其实伦理(ethics)与道德(moral)是一种循环定义,人们喜欢用其中的一个来定义另外一个。概念看上去简单, 实际上是用途很广, 威力巨大的思想武器。
材料科学研究与工程伦理学诞生也是出自于对引起社会高度关注的著名案例的研究,及材料失效的伦理分析。失效分析是一种逆向思维,是分析失败案例, 认识安全隐患, 预防事故的基本环节和关键,它和警方犯罪现场调查有相似之处。保护失效现场是保证失效分析顺利进行的先决条件。 材料失效分析主要集中在汽车, 飞机, 火车, 轮船, 齿轮, 轴杆轴承, 压力容器, 电子器件等方面。失效是可靠的反义词。失效分析试验过程通常包括:金相检查; 试样的选取、清洗和存档; 试样的宏观检查和分析; 试样的光学显微检查和分析; 化学成分分析; 光谱波谱分析; 超声波无损检测分析; 机械性能测试;断口分析; 计算机模拟试验;切片电子显微分析; X射线衍射分析等。 对于肇事件的诊断、预测和预防现在已经很成熟了,现在失效分析缺的是失效件背后的人伦分析,如火车的车轴断裂可能是冶金工人热处理时,喝了酒调错了温度。1991年加州一架双ENGINE运输机起落袈断裂, 是28年超期服役造成的, 事故完全是航空公司抱侥幸心理的结果。九江大桥脆性破裂是桥梁设计的不负责任和施工单位偷工减料造成的。 材料失效的伦理学分析和警方犯罪心理学分析类似。但是又不完全一样,人的心理活动状态繁多,人文环境, 失效的形式千差万别。特别是材料专家的伦理教育有限, 而社会学专家对材料的物理化学结构了解不多, 因此对失效分析难以规定统一的模式。所以, 材料失效分析的伦理学研究还是有很大发展前途的。 在20世纪70年代,美国DC-10飞机坠毁事件造成了巨大的人员伤亡。90年代, 九江大桥因盗窃行为发生脆性断裂,造成巨大经济损失, 2003哥伦比亚号航天飞机返航时隔絕高溫的隔热系统受损,而气动力学解体。而其原因在于从事研发活动的科学家和工程师将名誉, 利润和效率放在了首位,忽视或隐匿工程项目实施后可能存在的负面影响, 而忽略了对公众的利益、安全、和幸福的关注。 材料科学研究同样有很多不端行为, 如夸大科研项目的理论意义和实用价值 , 失实夸大科研成果本身价值, 在项目申请书中提供虚假信息, 剽窃他人学术思想和研究计划 , 科研经费的不当使用, 加造或骗取试验标本等。这些行为本身就是长期科学研究与工程伦理教育缺乏造成的。 所以, 这是非常重要的一门课,有一个不太悦耳的说法“大学生是有知识,没文化”, 这样的武断结论值得商榷,但它提出的问题却发人深省, 但可以感到长期工程伦理教育的缺失。其实每个人一生都在讲述伦理故事,其中科学技术含量很高,是关于怎么使用工程技术的问题,它是一门文理兼顾的学问, 课程中许多内容是笔者多年工程和科研经历,是其亲身体验和第一手的资料,90%原创作业。 伦理学案例本身就是讨论科研中不道德的现象, 即如何用道德的方式去解决问题, 这些问题在生活中都不常见, 否则不会形成案例, 所以本书中的人和事决不能与现实生活对号入座, 如有雷同, 纯属巧合。我们要学会理性看问题。 本研究并不试着成为科研不端道德法官,只是愿意提供帮助科学家摆脱麻烦的另一个选择 李革胜 2012-03-17 |
The engineering ethics is the moral result of engineering research. Essentially ethics and moral are the cyclic definition. they are used to define one with another. The idea is sample but they are strong and powerful ideological weapons.
The materials science and engineering ethics has brought about a lot of publicity due to the analysis of the materials failure in the famous cases of research and engineering sectors. The failure analysis of materials is a kind of converse thinking, which is the basic and Critical link to analyze the failure cases, to sense the potential safety hazards, and to prevent accidents. it is somewhat alike to Crime Scene Investigation of the police. The on-site protection of failure scene is prerequisite to keep the failure analysis going on smoothly. The failure analysis centers on the materials of automobiles, trains, ships, gears, axles and shaft bearings, pressure vessels, and electronic devices, etc. The failure is the antonym of reliability. The failure analysis normally include, metallographic analysis , sample preparation, macro examinations, optical microscopic analysis, the assessment of chemical compositions, spectral analysis,ultrasonic non-destructive evaluation,mechanical performance testing,fracture analysis,computer simulation experiment,X-ray diffraction analysis. The technique of failure analysis has become very ripe to exploit, the lack of ethical analysis is another important issue. For example, the axles of trains breaking might be caused by the mal-adjusted temperature of heat treatment of a drunken metallurgical worker. The landing gears of double engine plane broke down due to the 28 years service that was taken advantage by the airline company in California. The brittle fracture of Jiujiang Bridge was caused by the cheating on labour and materials. The ethical analysis of materials failure is slightly similar to the psychological analysis of the crimes. The various psychological activities, humanistic environments and the failure modes of materials decide the new area of research. The ethical analysis of materials failure has great prospect in the futural research and engineering work The DC-10 airplane crushing, the Jiujiang break brittle fracture, the Columbia space shuttle destruction are all caused by ignorance of public safety. There were also some research misconduct in the materials science and engineering sector, such as exaggeration of research theory meaning, practical value and scientific achievements, providing mendacious statements in the foundation application, plagiarism of others technique, improper use of research funding, falsifying the experimental samples, etc. These problems were caused by the lack of scientific research ethical trainings.The authors have the hands-on experience of the science research and engineering in the on-line courses, that is, they are the interesting cases that the young materials engineers and scientists need to know. There were too many lessons of scientific research misconducts, such as data fabrications, false experiments results, plagiarisms, improper operations of scientific instruments, etc. They were the reasons due to the lack of scientific ethical training. Therefore, it is an very important field that the young materials students want to learn. In fact, everyone is making an ethical story all his life. It is designed for the materials experts rather than the ordinary readers, learn from others . it saves the young engineers a lot of grief. It is specified for the inside experts of materials scientists and technicians, based on the hands-on experience of the author. Gesheng Li, 2013-03-17 |