4/18/2013 0 Comments 闲聊本那比的Sub Stop 餐厅 闲聊本那比的Sub Stop 餐厅
Danny Li,2013-4-18 昨天, 笔者和几个BCIT COMM 29 的同学去Sub Stop 寿司餐厅庆祝课程结束, 餐馆位于Willingdon Ave夹MOSCROP 街的一角。 老实讲, 中国人对生三文鱼,生土拿鱼,生蟹肉, 生鱿鱼其实兴趣不大,大都认为野生的东西,再美味, 没有煮过, 还是不太放心。笔者到寿司餐厅吃饭, 一般是去找日本waitress操练日语, 怕以后去东京,大阪上餐馆,象个乡巴佬不会点菜。 可惜, 昨天用日语问小姐,“トイレはどこにあるのですか?" (厕所在哪里?)见她没反应, 又用日语问她,"あなたは日本人ですか?", "あなたは日本語を話すできますか?" 她又是一脸茫然。笔者是开了眼界, 在温哥华寿司店, 第一次碰到不会讲日语的waitress。 后来,见她与韩国同学Edward叽叽咕咕讲韩文, 才知道,这是家韩国人开的日本寿司餐厅。 味道还可以, 特别是火山寿司拼盘,和用Terriyaki酱烧的BBQ 猪排, 有点正宗日本快餐味道。 价格公道, 我们9个人,喝了两瓶韩国清酒(18度),加上12%小费, 才~240刀。 同学们过了个愉快的夜晚。 (20分钟写完) The Sub Stop Sushi Restaurant at Burnaby Danny Li, 2013-4-18 Some of BCIT COMM 29 students gathered together and visited the Sub Stop Sushi restaurant yesterday , which was at the intersection of Willingdon Ave and MOSCROP street, burnaby , celebrating the accomplishment of COMM 29. Honestly, many Chinese guys are not used to the uncooked salmon fish, tuna fish, crab meat and squid, etc. nowadays, since they are not comfortable with the seafood that had not been cooked before serving. Normally my purpose of visiting Sushi restaurant was that, I intended to practice Japanese with the waitresses, in case that I could not order the meals in restaurant someday when I had a chance to visit Tokyo and Osaka. Unfortunately, I asked the little waitress in Japanese, “トイレはどこにあるのですか?" (where is the washroom?), she didn't answered me, then I asked her again, "あなたは日本人ですか?", "あなたは日本語を話すできますか?" (do you speak Japanese?) She understood and said, "Sorry, we're Korean people, we don't speak Japanese here." It was the first time for me to meet a Korean waitress at the Sushi Restaurant in Vancouver, who didn't speak Japanese. I saw her speaking with my Korean classmate, Edward in Korean, then I figured out that this restaurant was owned by the Korean people. The food was really tasty, especially the volcano spicy combo, and the terriyaki BBQ pork was very impressive,the authentic taste of Sushi. The cost was reasonable, there were 9 persons, drinking two bottles of Korean Qinru wine, plus 12% tip, total fee was only ~$240. We had a really good time last night. (20 minutes rough translation)
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