11/23/2013 0 Comments (3) 支票案例(3) 支票案例 李革胜,2013-11-22 围棋里面有个“腾挪”技术,指在敌强我弱的孤棋或被动逆境中,一根筋与对方正面硬拼会吃亏的情况下,放弃局部,争取大局主动权的治孤技术。这是种轻巧弹性的下法,用东碰西靠来取得合适的行棋步调,为了及时脱身,弃掉局部棋子也不足为惜,是围棋中弃取自如的高级技术。 这年冬天特别冷,G同学心软写了张支票给北大法学院高才生Mary,没有及时向老婆Lucy汇报。Mary临走前把支票交给Lucy, 一口咬定为嫖娼铁证,污蔑G同学向她买春,这是典型的贼喊捉贼自欺欺人之举。Lucy气得向没有准备好的G同学扑过去, 不分青红皂白又撕又咬, 在他的手臂上留下了深深的抓痕,并惩罚他整整两年茕茕孑立,形影相吊,可怜兮兮地一个人住客厅。 G同学在Decision Data公司计算机硬件工程师的工作也丢了,从经济学的角度,丹尼的失业可以称为”摩擦性失业”。他的主要问题是太以自己为中心,太直言不讳,要他掩饰自己的观点看法,比登天还难,不愿与Mariam同流合污。好在上帝给他与生俱来的乐观主义,天生豁达的性格,失业难不住他。树挪死,人挪活,此处不留爷,自有留爷处,这是G同学在工作中常用的“腾挪”技术。 G同学找工作一般是在Craigslist上找,很快在网上找到列治文的实验室,与高贵林的技术公司的行政助理招聘广告,并向它们投出工作申请简历。很快,他收到一个叫Bill Taylor的回信,被告知获得一份每周10小时400刀的工作。原文如下, Hello, Thanks for the email.I received your message regarding the job,the position has been taken but i have a personal assistant position for you. As a consultant with a focus in international business, the majority of my clients are out of state and out of the country. I need help with my errands because I am constantly out of town. As a matter of fact, I am currently on a business trip to Paris, France at this time. I will prepay you in advance to do my shopping, Bill payments and have the items sent to my PO box. I will pick the items up from the post office when I return from France on the 30th of November. How soon can you start? I will email you the list and pictures of what to shop for so you can do the shopping at Sears,Walmart, Best buy and other stores. I'll pay you $400 for your service for 10 hours every week. I'm prepared to pay for mileage/travel expense.I will provide clear set of instructions for each task I need done and sufficient funds to cover all errands. I'd love to meet with you upon my return from France to discuss the possibility of making this job long term. Well, let me know if you can do the Job. Hope to hear from you soon. Bill Taylor G同学从不对人妄加猜疑,但他做事一丝不苟,光明磊落,这种工作方式让其受益匪浅,在犯罪天堂温哥华他从没上当受骗过。开始,G同学并没有怀疑这个Bill Taylor是个骗子,也没有猜疑的必要,从小在重庆坊巷市井长大,什么样的坊市江湖骗子他没见过?真的东西从各个方面看过去都是真的,上帝是不会撒谎的,到时候他会从各个角度仔细谨慎地观察。 G同学当时只是觉得10 hours every week工作时间太少,只能在周末或下班后在晚上给他做,就直接了当给Bill 回复,原文如下, Hi Bill I can only work for you on Saturdays & Sundays, since you gave me only 10 hrs/week. I can start this Saturday. Sincerely Bill回复很痛快,完全同意G同学在周末或下班后在晚上给他做,只提出G同学想把什么名字列在支票上,一副马上给G同学寄钱的热心样子,原文如下, Sounds good, You will be working from home. The hours are flexible so you can spread those 10 hours a week on your own time. I will provide you with sufficient funds and adequate instruction for every task. I will be sending money for my errands inclusive of payment for your service through my bank channel.The money will arrive inform of a money order. How should your name go on the money order? What address should I have it mailed to? Also include your mobile number for better means of communication. Please Advise I await your urgent response Bill Taylor 与此同时,G同学还收到一个叫David Topper的Offer,一份每周10小时400刀的工作。原文如下, Dear Applicant, I got your application and am sorry to inform you that the position you applied for is no longer available but i have a job presently that you can do for me.I'm looking for someone that can be trusted and reliable to work very well with good understanding as my Personal/Admin Assistant. This sector of Exp. Global acts as a liaison between philanthropists such as private individuals,corporations and Non Governmental Organizations,the beneficiaries of such funds such as hospitals orphanage homes and various other charity institutions.Our role is to receive these funds and forward them to the appropriate institutions and ensure that the intent for which the payment is meant for is carried out appropriately. This position I am offering is home-based job and flexible until my return to discuss a more prominent office role, working with me will be basically based on instructions and following them, my only fear is that I may come at you impromptu sometimes, so I need someone who can be able to meetup with my irregular timings. . As my personal assistant, your activities amongst other things will include: Duties and Requirements: *Scheduling programmer's, flights and keeping me up-to-date with them. *Handling and monitoring some of my financial activities. *Processing weekly check payment. *Filing, Faxing, Creating and sending out letters, scanning documents, some personal assistant duties for owners, and many other *Managing expenses and invoices There will be no interview as at this time until my return and this position will be based on trust and loyalty because you will be working with me directly.Basic wage is $400 weekly for your part time position,it will be between 10-12hrs/week and starts Immediately. I am sure you'll understand I tend to have a very busy schedule at this point as I am presently in New Zealand to return in Three Weeks. Hence,you will begin your office based position immediately i return, it's a part-time work from home for now and the flexibility means that there will be busier weeks than others. I would like to give you an immediate trial, so if you are interested kindly get back to me as i have a lot of pending assignments that needs to be handled and i believe these tasks are simple tasks which you can carry out pending the time i get back, which enables you familiarize yourself with how Exp. Global works. I need you to fill out your information as requested below, and send it back as a reply to this email so i can print out and include in your file: FULL NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PROVINCE: POSTAL CODE: MOBILE PHONE: HOME PHONE #: EMAIL ADDRESS: Are you eligible to work in Canada? Yes ____ No_____ If you are under age 18, do you have an employment/age certificate? Yes ___ No ___ How often do you check your email: ______________ Days/Hours Available: Hours Available: from _______ to ______ What date are you available to start work? ________________ Thanks in anticipation of your prompt response. Regards, David Topper 这个David Topper给G同学非常阳光,非常富有慷慨的印象。他自我介绍,自己非常爱笑,爱旅游,爱家庭,爱朋友,并府上一张自己的照片,以博得G同学的好感,原文如下, Hello , it's a great pleasure to receive your email.I appreciate yr effort for helping me to handle the service. I know what it takes to work for someone without meeting up yet but i guarantee there will be no worries whatsoever. Let me use this opportunity to tell you little more about my self and my work.I'm very open and truthful about my life. I love to laugh and have good time with families and friends. I try to take life easy for people around me,please note I did say "try". I usually work 6 days a week, but I do like to travel due to nature of my job. I have been to many places around the world.I hope this little tells u the kind of person i am.You shall know more about me when we get to meet after my arrival I wish to congratulate you on the new job.I had to verify all the information you provided.I hope i will have your 100% loyalty and co -operation.Your quick response to e-mails and effectiveness will be required and you will be receiving your first assignment early next week depending on my schedule.You will be emailed with detailed instructions. *Your First assignment is to have some advert posted for me on Kijiji and Craigslist website.if it is okey by you.I will email you further instruction on how to go about the job in my next mail. Please note that this job require you to be checking your email regularly. Your total commitment is however needed. You will be receiving weekly pay checks upon completion of your weekly assignments. I await your response. Regards, David Topper. 这真是天上掉馅饼,G同学认为自己好人有好报,这么快在职场上双喜临门,他把自己的联系方式分别给Bill与David电邮过去,并开门见山地强调自己只是个工薪族,没有多余的金钱来垫付他们的生意,原文如下, Hi, Bill please remember I don’t have any extra money to deposit for your business processing, that is, if the bank want me to pay any deposit from my personal wallet, I can’t continue to work for you. 很快,Bill电邮通知G同学一张 $3,375的支票已经通过邮局寄到他家,两天内就可以收到,只有一个要求,G同学必须在24小时内兑换支票。G同学马上明白了,Bill是在利用G同学急于做成生意的心理,用自己的金钱来垫付,他马上电邮一针见血地回复Bill,他需要超过24小时的时间来证明支票的真伪,Bill电邮原文如下, Hello, How are you doing,hope fine ??I wrote to inform you that your first week salary and funds for shopping has been sent out and it will be delivered to your door step today or on TUESDAY via regular mail (POST OFFICE). Go ahead and deposit it into your bank account,it will be cleared in after 24hrs of deposit.Kindly get back to me for further instructions as soon as you deposit it, Please deposit it today so that the funds will be made available for usage in your account first thing tomorrow morning. Also note that these job require you to be checking your email 2-3 times daily.Your Paycheck would be delivered today. $3,375 was issued out to you. Your Total commitment is However Needed. I await your Response Regards Thanks and i await your prompt response Bill Taylor 与此同时,G同学也收到David Topper的一张 $3,375支票,是在UPS店用英特网,Help-Yourself 作的,支票是蒙特利尔银行,公司是多伦多一家私立语言学校。支票做得像模像样,有支票正式编号,背后有水印,有Memo,并印有“THIS DOCUMENT HAS A COLORED BACKGROUND AND MICROPRINTING. THE REVERSE SIDE INC LUDES AN ARTIFICIAL WATERMARK." David Topper要求G同学马上给菲律宾的家具公司寄2900刀,David Topper电邮原文如下, Hello , How are you ? I have made a furniture order and i have confirmed your information for the payment to be made to you which includes your salary,this has been forwarded to a client of mine to enable fast payment so you can handle the completion of the furniture order based on instructions i will give. My client has given me notification that the package will be delivered to you Via Ups Courier service . I will email you UPS Tracking Numbers and instructions on how to go about completion of the order that has been made. As soon as you receive the check via UPS Courier service,I want you to deposit the check as payroll into yr bank account, withdrawn the fund from yr account if yr bank allow you or wait till it clears within 24 hrs. Please note that this job require you to be checking your email regularly. Your total commitment is however needed. I await your response. Thanks for your time. Regards, David Topper. Hello, The Payment is out for delivery and will be delivered to your address anytime from now so you need to call UPS courier service and wait for the delivery at yr address today. Pls Contact UPS courier service on phone today for quick delivery . Domestic Services within Canada English Tel.: 1-800-PICK-UPS (1-800-742-5877) French Tel.: 1-800-PICK-UPS (1-800-742-5877) UPS Tracking Number : 1Z933956049755687 http://www.ups.com/WebTracking/track?loc=en_CA Payment of $3,375 was issued out to you,As soon as you receive the check, Go ahead and cash it at your bank or rather You are advised to deposit the payment in your Bank as Payroll,then i want you to withdrawn the fund from yr account if yr bank allow you or wait till it clears within 24 hours,then deduct your pay $400,send the remaining balance via MONEY GRAM MONEY TRANSFER (Money In Minutes )to the company's manager. Deduct your first week salary($400 and Deduct within $42 to $50) for Money In mintues Money Gram charges)and send out the rest $2900 to Philipphines. I am buying some furniture's and electronics and that's where the rest of the money you receive would be used for after you deduct your salary. Here is the name and address of the manager of the furniture company you should wire the rest the funds to via MONEY GRAM. Surname : Lucenno First Name : Jayi Address .atipunan Ave. St. Ignatius, City: Quezon City Zipcode : 1110 Country . Philippines As soon as you have send the money,Do email me the transfer details such as : Sender's Name & Address. Money Gram Reference Number . Test Question And Answer. Amount Sent(After Deducting Money Gram Charges). I will be looking forward to read from you with the money gram details and also scan copy of money gram receipt so that i can verify. At this point it is mandatory for you to stick to your email for updates and instructions to complete the order. I will make arrangements on where the furniture will be shipped to after the order has been completed. Confirm the receipt of these email and also alert me when you receive the payment. I await your prompt response.Hope i can count on you. A swift acknowledgment of the receipt of this email will be appreciated. Kindly get back to me as soon as the transaction is done. Thanks and God Bless. David Topper 这是个精心设计的骗局,用UPS急件投递,给人以正式正规的感觉,在支票还没有兑现之前,就详细讨论利益如何如何分配,怎样才能作下一笔生意,这会给别人一个印象,你的实力信用毋庸置疑,没有人会怀疑你的支票真伪。 在加拿大17年的移民生活,G同学读英文一目十行,他用一种扫描式的阅读方式,无需逐词逐句就可以读懂作者的灵魂。G同学还是个文字高手,英文阅读一目十行,他相信写成的文字,常会打下作者自己独特行文的烙印。G同学交大毕业时,就学会了读作者的灵魂,从不会被表面华丽的辞藻迷惑。他读索然无味的英文,不需见面,就可以理解语境,如果你懂一个人的语言, 你就会懂这个人。G同学能从书信的腔调上,语气上很容易大胆推理,文章中哪些内容是真实的,哪些内容是有水分的。因为上帝是不撒谎的,人的本性不会因为语言的不同而有所不同。 第一印象,David用了大量网络语言,行文自然而流畅,可以推断他是个经常在网上聊天的人,曾经在办公室环境有过工作经历,有进出口与英语培训经历,可能在菲律宾当过英文外教,当然也可能是外国骗子在飙英文诈骗。 G同学当晚用C++写了图像搜索程序,通过对比发现David Topper寄来的照片竟然是美国国务卿克里的年轻照。他从假照片中猜疑David Topper是个网络骗子,并从电邮行文上大胆怀疑David Topper与Bill Taylor是同一个人。他马上电邮回复David,他需要超过24小时的时间来证明支票的真伪,原文如下, David, I have to wait for the verification of check from the bank, & I am not sure if the check is valid, I am going to transfer for you as long as I found the check isn’t fraud. You can have my 100% loyalty only when the check is real. Sincerely 这时对方还在嘴硬,回复: Thanks.No problem to verify the check.Just allow yr bank to do their proper verification.It will surely clear.Await Money gram details by then . G同学打定主意第二天去银行鉴定支票真伪,如果支票是真的,就帮他们做生意,如果支票是假的,就证明David与Bill是骗子。那天晚上,G同学把他心爱的.22半自动手枪里里外外仔细地擦干净,并去poco 的靶场试了枪,保证枪械工作状态良好。他去枪店购买了CGI的警用开花子弹hollow point ,这种子弹威力巨大,打在人身上非死即伤,这种子弹完全可以弥补小口径手枪杀伤力不足的缺点。G在思考如何把这个家伙抓住。他有摸到卢刚走头无路杀人前的感觉。翌日清晨,G同学拿着两张支票来到蒙特利尔银行要求鉴定真伪,银行经理Stephanie是个澳洲移民,G同学先出示自己的驾照与银行卡,开门见山地告知,这两个从未蒙面的人是在网上认识的,第一次与他们做生意,请银行鉴定支票真伪。G同学这样做是避免银行猜疑自己,他喜欢按部就班,不越轨,不逾格的程序方式工作。 G同学一小时后被Stephanie告知,两张支票都是假的。G同学出离愤怒,因为骗局一开始就被识破,自己并没有任何实质性损失。他的解决问题方式是“腾挪”,给David与Bill各写了封电邮,原文如下, Delete my email address from your list, or I will forward your emails to the police. My bank says your check is a fraud, BMO is going to track you down since you were counterfeiting their trademark & reputation, & you lost my trust, the police always recommends that I be welcome to give them the details, please delete my email from your list and forget me, or I will forward your emails to the RCMP. David与Bill从此消失,支票诈骗不会就此止步,G同学随后给警察局报了案。两天后,G同学在温哥华公共汽车公司总经理办公室找到了行政助理的位子。 伦理问题 你能读出来David与Bill是同一个人吗?请列出你的理由。G同学用自己编写的电邮逆向跟踪程序,发现David与Bill的电邮服务器是同一个IP,他们两人难道是室友?在UPS英特网定购的特快专递也是同一个IP地址,世界上真有这么巧的事吗? 其实一般的网络骗子都很容易锁定,坏人一定是蠢人,这个真理走到哪里都一样。每个人都有gmail, hotmail, yahoo mail,facebook,twitter等,稍不留心就在浏览器上挂着自己的VPN,警方很容易通过IP地址对比从Facebook和Gmail拿到该用户的个人资料,如从Gmail登录时很容易查到其手机号码等个人信息等。 这个骗子还是花了些功夫来掩盖自己的踪迹的。他使用一个免费的在线应用程序,Guerilla Email 来生成的临时匿名电子邮件地址。此外,他还使用“Torch”程序,用来临时产生难以跟踪 匿名的IP地址。这种“金禅脱壳”的雕虫小计根本难不住专家。根据affidavit, 任何使用“Torch”程序的人都会在服务器上留下痕迹,马上他就被G同学锁定了... 两年后,G同学忽然收到一份短信,We recruiting mystery silent shopper, ean $400 a week this will not affect current job to join send full names & email to [email protected], Attention: Nice day to you and thanks for your response. We are currently recruiting individuals as silent shoppers. You are to send the below information and state that you are interested after reading the details of Silent shopping. Pending approval from the Recruiting department. Well it’s a legal and legitimate dealing to be a SECRET SHOPPER with us. Upon approval, your job as a Silent shopper would begin next week and this would result to us providing you with more information. PAYMENT TERMS: Your payment would be sent weekly (Salary: $400 PER ASSIGNMENT ) weekly, Also the company is in charge of providing you with all expense money for the shopping and other expenses incurred during the course of your assignment. All the tools you will needing would be provided to you with details every week you have an assignment. JOB DESCRIPTION: 1} when an assignment is given to you, you would be provided with details to execute the assignment and in a timely fashion. Time: Any time of the week Location: From home/Office {USA / CANADA ONLY} 2}You would be asked and instructed to visit places like Banks, Restaurants, Grocery Stores, Wal-Mart, JC Penney Shops, Cash Money, check cashing stores, Western Union Shops, Cash Point Shops and Money Gram Shops etc. to re-view and check out their services. 3} You would be asked to visit a company or store in your area and they are mostly our competitors as a secret shopper and shop with them to know more about their sales and stock, cost sales and more details as provided by the company then report back to us with details of whatever transpired at the store. But anything you buy at the shop belongs to you; all we want is an effective/quick job and reports. ASSIGNMENT PACKET: Before any assignment we would provide you with the resources needed {cash} Mostly our company regional manager will send you a Money Order or Check that you can cash in the stores where you will be required to start your assignment. Then we would be providing you details on here. But you follow every single instruction given to you as a secret shopper. You can earn more which involves nothing more than shopping at a number of selected retailers and assessing their customer service and reporting back, so I want you to get back to me with confirmation of your interest and commitment in working with us. Full Name as stated on your ID: Mailing Address (INCLUDING UNIT #) and postal code: Current Occupation: Current Employee: Phone/Fax number: Bank Name: Age: Sex: Kind Regards, Jason Jay Prom Manager ------------------------------------------- Thanks for accepting our offer as a secret shopper, your information’s has been verified with the Canadian Revenue Service and you have been selected as one of our secrete shoppers in your region. The Job Description is explained below: FIRST ASSIGNMENT: Secret Customer's Guide wants you to run a survey on two prominent companies in your area as listed below. CIBC Bank, TD Bank, Scotia Bank, BMO Bank, Royal Bank , Wal-Mart, JC Penney Shops, Cash Money, check cashing stores, Western Union Shops, Cash Point Shops and Money Gram Shops etc.. There have been reports about lapses in the services of their Management and some of their staffs, this is based on reports which their customers forwarded anonymously and Phone calls which were also made to the head offices. Some locations were reported for evaluation for the following reasons: (1) Customers have reported their money missing (2) Slow in Services (3) Unbalanced transfer charges (4) Poor services (5) Rudeness to customers (6) Excess charge (7) Late opening time and Closing before time. (8) Delay of check cashing Your Secret Evaluation would be: 1) A check which would cover your payment of $400 and also for the duty has been mailed to your mailing address by one of our sponsor. As soon as you received the check, you should cash it at your bank, and deduct your $400.00. 2) Upon receiving the funds, you will find any Western Union/Money Gram location around you and send the rest money to another Secret Customer , Making Bank deposit, Shopping in the mall ETC.. while the Name and address of the Secret Customer would be sent to you. You would have to keep a comprehensive report on every activity you carry out. 3) You would have to record the time at which you go to the Western Union/Money Gram location and the check cashing store or bank and how many minutes it takes you to get service. 4) You would also provide me with the name of the cashier that attended to you. Your FIRST ASSIGNMENT will begin immediately as soon as you receive your first payment. Please acknowledge receipt of this email and inform us immediately you receive the payment for your first assignment. Thank you for working with us and making Canada a better place. Kind Regards, Jason Jay Prom. Manager ---------------- Hi Unfortunately the bank says that your check isn't real. I have to terminate the business with you. don't waste your time and stamps to contact me. I am going to tear down the check. Delete my personal info from your database and forget about me. ================ You are to proceed and conduct a customer survey at your bank by having the check deposited. Do ensure to get the name of the teller at your bank even if its just the first name, bank address and let us know if you are satisfied with the customer service provided and make sure they don't have an idea you are a silent shopper in other to observe the best survey. You are to put aside $400 for your assignment wages then, you are to proceed to the nearest Canada Post store now using their Money Gram service to conduct your survey by sending $1,580 of the payment to International Silent shoppers in Mexico with the information below: Receiver: Gisselle Alejandra Estudillo Gude Address: 10, Cuauhtemoc, Centro, Mexico City 06000, DF, Mexico Phone No: : +52 1554 314 5231 Amount: $1,580 via Money Gram at the Canada post;This is to study the International money transfer system of Money Gram. All fees should be deducted from the $1,580 you are to transfer. As soon as the payment has been transferred, you are to send us an email explaining what you think about the customer service of all locations. You are to provide us with the Reference numbers of the transaction for the Money Grams and the amount in local currency. Please, do acknowledge receipt of this email. Kind Regards Mark Palmer ---------------- Last chance. Don't email me anymore Unfortunately the bank says that your check isn't real. I have to terminate the business with you. don't waste your time and stamps to contact me. I am going to tear down the check. Delete my personal info from your database and forget about me.
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